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Exposing Yoga Myths

Exposing Yoga Myths debunks the most prevalent myths about yoga poses and the practice of yoga, explores the latest movement science, helps teachers grow strong and healthy students through safe practice tips, and includes numerous reference photos, illustrations, a glossary and index.

Whether you practice or teach yoga, the traditional esoteric yoga model isn’t for everyone. There’s so much insight and benefit we can gain from research and science for ourselves and our clients.

If you’re ready to move past the surface model of typical yoga instruction - pseudo-scientific claims, constant calls for inner peace, yoga pants and the latest juicing recipe - then dive deeper into the science of movement with Exposing Yoga Myths.


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“Going to make this Embodied Yoga Principles Teacher Training required reading.”

— Mark Walsh Integration Training

“Love this book…. The headstand/shoulder stand one is my fave, should not be taught in general class… I haven’t taught either of them in my general classes for a few years now.. I dig into this e­book daily.”

— Jackie Quayle BWY Foundation Course Tutor

“We have very little research on the biomechanics of yoga, it’s nice to see what actually is happening versus what we’re have been told is happening.”

— Lauren Smith Reese

“I just recommended it yesterday to a friend currently considering doing Yoga Teacher T raining with a well known, but rather dogmatic organisation.”

— Catherine O’Mahony

“Exposing Yoga Myths is necessary to stop diluting our profession and expose those that propagate practitioners who lack knowledge in order to turn profit. Young, inexperienced teachers fresh out of undisciplined 200?hour trainings are being shoved into the pipeline unprepared and unsupervised. I’ve experienced first?hand how they are being shaped by outdated, inbred corporate programs that repeat psuedo-science, teach set sequences that discriminate, administer aggressive hands on adjustments, and set up unsuspecting students for a future of injury and pain. This debunking is a gift from women who are intelligent, give a sh*t, have integrity and are brave enough to shine light into ideas that novice teachers and students blindly trust. Thank you for your work to reclaim our profession Ariana, Mel and Kim!!”

— Tracy Learned

“Would like a printed version. Love this book. Should be on all YTT’s.”

— Lisa Jones

“Of course this is my new favorite book by Ariana Rabinovitch, Melissa Gutierrez & Kim-LienKendall. So well written…can’t wait for Volume 2!.”

— Trina Altman